Thursday, February 4, 2016

Love Isn't Easy...

I have heard far too often lately that love shouldn't be this hard--that when it is "right" it just falls into place. Not only is this so far from true, it is the very illusion that is responsible for the dissolution of many loves.

Love takes an immense amount of work. Not only do we need to build it brick by brick, but we need to form each one of those bricks with our bare hands and even more naked hearts. We need to construct them out of so many things that are not readily available to our guarded, expectant, disillusioned selves: trust, honesty, forgiveness, patience, perspective, a willingness to see and be seen, commitment, integrity. And we have to actively participate in the construction, not just hope that it happens as we go about living our lives.

I believe we came up with that idea--that love should be easy-- by how rapturous the initial falling can be. When our energy collides heart, soul, head on with another's, and the vibration propels us into a state we are sure is love. We get lost in the ecstasy, the potential, and allow ourselves the sweet buoyancy of drifting together. Until the sailing is not so smooth, and the collisions come instead as arguments, as unravellings, as revealings of true sides and questioning what it is you thought you once had. Because surely it shouldn't be this hard...

You know what they say about Rome? Same goes for love.

And how exquisite is Rome? Worth the efforts, I mean, the pizza alone…Seriously though, love that is worked for, that you truly gave yourself to the growth of, is satiating. That initial connection is real. Desire, lust, physical attraction all very, very real. Our bodies know something our minds and hearts have yet to figure out--that there is a reason you're drawn to someone. And that very reason is less connected to how that person feels entwined with you, and more to do with your souls connecting.

I recently learned the difference between a soul mate and a deeper connection (known as your twin flame for the serendipitous and synchronistic coming together with your own). While soul mates compliment each other, twin flames mirror each other. They are the embodiment of each others lessons, and strive to teach, guide, and grow with the other in love. You can have a handful of soul mates in your life that, in the ease of connection from similar likes, dislikes, ways of viewing the world, mannerisms, temperaments, vibrations, it feels like love with them. But I assure you, a soul mate does not mean a love match. Finding someone who challenges you, who makes you work to understand your own love and affection (for yourself and them), who is intentional and observant, inquisitive and blunt, and who might ebb and flow from your life--as twin flames can continue to grow together even apart-- but ultimately stays connected because, hey, there is work still to be done--there you might have love.

Do not shy away from the work. Although we cannot know forever any more than we can predict never in love, we needn't let fear, discomfort, or a lilt in our early stages of bliss to cause us to run. If anything, meet the dis-ease. You will know when there is something to work on or walk away from; you will know the difference between being abused, abandoned, falling for someone emotionally unavailable, and when the discomfort is simply from being seen more intimately than you have been. Meet the discomfort and be in it. You deserve to grow in love--to be brought to your highest self and to bring another to theirs.

Collect your bricks. Enjoy the process, the construction of your exquisite love story.

As published by Elephant Journal: 

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